The #1 mental health app designed for organizations*

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How our clients improved wellbeing in their organization

The #1 mental health app designed for organizations*

*2022 study by the University of Lyon

Why invest in the best resources?


rate of action among at-risk employees


improvement company-wide within 3 months


ROI on average

Success story


Medi-Market, experiencing rapid growth, faced significant employee well-being challenges, including high stress, conflicts, low engagement, and imposter syndrome. With 58% of the workforce showing symptoms of mental ill-being and 10.4% at severe risk, HR Manager Charlotte Capelle needed effective tools and resources to address these issues.


Partnering with Evoluno, Medi-Market implemented a comprehensive mental health support strategy. Initial surveys, app deployment, webinars, and communication materials facilitated the transformation. The engagement plan led to a 39% adoption rate within months, focusing on personalization, confidentiality, autonomy, and accessibility.


39% of the workforce engaged with Evoluno, either independently or with a therapist.100% of at-risk employees received support, resulting in zero burnout cases. The severe risk of mental health difficulties decreased by 50% after six months. Overall mental health improved by 12% within six months.


of the workforce engaged with Evoluno


of at-risk employees received support


The severe risk of mental health difficulties decreased by 50%

"I felt like something was wrong and I didn't know what to do. On the advice of a colleague, I took a burnout test on Evoluno and it helped me understand that there was a deeper problem. Evoluno helped me take action and connected me with the right specialist."

Employee, Medi-Market

Set your organization up for success

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A 360° solution


Evoluno is available in English, French and Dutch. Therapists are available in many more languages.


Employees can access and benefit from Evoluno’s resources with total independence.


The app can be accessed and used anywhere in the world.


Mental health professionals are available at any time to provide emotionalsupport..


Each journey is personalized as well as the individual care our specialists provide.


Promote your company’s internal resources within the platform.


Corporate mental health isn’t only about managing crises, it’s also about preventing them and setting employees up for success by creating the best working conditions.

Charlotte Capelle

former HR Director - Medi-Market

"You can quickly see the impact of Evoluno on people who hadn't taken action before. There's a noticeable increase in general interest and usage of the provided learning opportunities."

Sarah Scaillet

CEO - Federal Pension Service

“Evoluno allowed us to acknowledge in a concrete manner the stress and anxiety our teams face, even in a job they enjoy. A lot of employees have taken action and have been talking about the app amongst themselves.”

Ready for a happier and healthier organization?

Speak with us so we can set up the best plan to take care of your team’s mental health.